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my favourite exercise...jogging...

Psychological Benefits of Jogging
Did you think that benefits of jogging everyday are limited only to your physical health? You are mistaken. There are psychological benefits of jogging as well. They are as follows:
  • Confidence Builder: The most important of the benefits of jogging is confidence building. With jogging the person is able grow stronger and stronger and overcome every ordeal. Confidence brings with itself the feeling of empowerment as the jogger knows what his body is capable of. People who lose weight due to running gain more confidence than any one else can imagine.
  • Stress Relief: As you are jogging, you get time to think about life’s problems and you are able to run them over with aplomb. If you have a problem which has been there for some time, then you should attempt distance running. When you are attempting distance running, you get some time only for yourself which allows you to un-clutter your mind. If you have anger filled up within yourself, a sprint will be able to get rid of the anger and aggression. So we can claim that jogging is good for stress relief.
  • Mind Training: Along with the other benefit, jogging is able to train the mind better. As you are come across hurdles upon hurdles you learn to focus and become more and more determined. Not only will your body gain physical strength but you will also gain mental endurance.
  • Attitude Improvement: One of the lesser known of the benefits of jogging is attitude improvement. Jogging releases hormones called endorphins, which are responsible for giving the feeling of happiness or euphoria. Hence, jogging is used as an effective tool to combat clinical depression since a very long time.
Physical Benefits of Jogging
Now that we have already seen the psychological benefits of jogging, lets get to know the physical benefits of jogging, which form an important part of the health benefits of jogging. They are as follows:
  • Stamina Builder: Amongst the many benefits of jogging daily, stamina building is one of the primary benefits. Good stamina increases your capacity to work all through the day and also helps you lead an active life. Activeness depends on how fit you are. I am sure you have seen how lethargic you are when you are not feeling well. However, once you start jogging you will be more active and then the changes will be there for everyone to see.
  • Weight Loss: Are you planning to shed a few stones? Then jogging will help you reach your weight loss goal. It will increase your metabolism and also burn a few calories for you.
  • Burn Abdominal Fat: If you have been trying very hard to get rid of abdominal fat and are unsuccessful, then you should try jogging. Jogging is an excellent fat burning exercise, which also targets abdominal fat to a great extent, thereby reducing fat around the waist, hip and abdomen. It can be considered to be one of the most effective abdominal fat removal exercise.
  • Improve Appetite: A lot of times people who want to lose weight, complain about low appetite. Such people can try jogging to increase their appetite. Now all that you eat will be used to repair and refuel your muscles, thus ending up in your losing weight.
  • Strengthen Muscles and Bone Density: The benefits of jogging include strengthening of the muscles and increasing bone density of the back, hips and legs. If you have ever noticed, long distance runners though their legs appear thin and weak looking, on the contrary they are as strong as can be.
  • Fights Insomnia: If you have a sleeping disorder, jogging will be able to help you. When you jog you will be able to sleep better.
  • Fights Aging: Jogging arrests bone and muscle loss which happens with age. When you jog regularly, you will be able to keep those years at bay.
  • Fight Diseases: Jogging helps in fighting diseases like cancer, heart stroke, diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis among others, as it boosts the immune system.
  • Cardiovascular exercise: Jogging minimizes heart attacks as it strengthens the heart and also reduces blood pressure. At the same time your lungs also become strong and you can inhale more oxygen, thus increasing the capacity of the blood to transport more of those essential nutrients to your body. For more information, you can also refer to cardiovascular exercises
The benefits of jogging in the morning are that you are more likely to stick to your exercise schedule than if you exercise at any other time of the day. The other benefit of jogging in the morning is that you will feel less lethargic and more enthusiastic through the day. Research has shown that people who workout in the morning stick to their exercise schedule than those who exercise any other time. Apart from the other benefits of jogging, you will be able to save money, which you will spend in the gym. So buy yourself a good pair of running shoes, stretch a little and start jogging.


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